We believe in sharing our knowledge in order to better serve those around us. Regardless if you are an agency, a treatment centre, or a clinic, we pride ourselves on working with you to custom design DBT trainings that meet your specific needs. We go to great lengths to take into account key factors unique to your specific situation, while also tailoring materials and topics to maximize the benefit to participants. Every customized training will include a free consultation to help us better design an experience that best suits the needs of your organization

General Information

Multi or Full Day Training

Include up to 6 hours of direct training with the trainer per day. Trainer and hosts collaborate to customize the content of the day including topic(s), and the portion of the day spent on didactic instruction, case examples, interactive/experiential practice exercises, question and answer periods, etc.

It is recommended that full day trainings are 7 hours in total length including a morning and afternoon 15-minute breaks, and a longer 30-60 min, mid-day lunch break.

Half-Day Training

Include up to 3 hours of direct training with the trainer, and are completely customizable to meet the needs of the host. Possibilities include:  didactic instruction, case examples, interactive/experiential practice exercises, question and answer periods, or any combination thereof.

Available Formats


In Person

Train in DBT in person at the DBT Centre of the Fraser Valley with our full multi-media set up. Digital version of the training material will be available to every participant.


Train in DBT virtually from the comfort of your own home or office. Digital version of the training material will be available to every participant.

Where You Are

Train in DBT in person where you are. Our trainers will travel to you and your agency. Digital version of the training material will be available to every participant.

Included Services

  • Customized digital training material.

  • Pre-training consultation to assess your agency’s needs.

  • Negotiable group sizes for off-site trainings.

Contact Us to Set Up Your Customized DBT Training Today