Nightmare Protocol With the Avengers
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Emotion Regulation skills in DBT that is part of the PLEASE skills that addresses recurring nightmares that may be disrupting your sleep: The Nightmare Protocol. Interestingly, the protocol may involve some of our favourite super heros, the Avengers.
Building Mastery With Gordon Ramsay
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Emotion Regulation skills in DBT that is part of the ABC PLEASE skills, Build Mastery, and how the world-renowned Chef, Gordon Ramsay, build Mastery in the world of cooking.
Creating Meaning With Gary Vee
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Distress Tolerance skills in DBT that is part of the IMPROVE the moment skills, With Meaning, and how an entrepreneur, Gary Vee, creates meaning during stressful times.
Participate With Neil DeGrasse Tyson
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Mindfulness skills in DBT that is part of the “what” skills, participate, and how a question about the universe traces back to this very skill.
STOP at the Vancouver Airport
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Distress Tolerance skills in DBT that is involved in crisis survival, STOP, and how it is implemented at the Vancouver Airport.
Accumulating Positives with Jerry Seinfeld
In this Episode, we discuss one of the Emotion Regulations skills in DBT that decreases your emotion vulnerability, Accumulating Positives, and how it is a daily practice as demonstrated by Jerry Seinfeld.
Turning the Mind with Stephen Colbert
In this Episode, we discuss one of the acceptance skills in DBT that maybe difficult to learn to teach, and how Turning the Mind Skill requires making a choice again and again.
Dialectics with Trevor Noah
In this Episode, we discuss one of the pillars of DBT, Dialectics, and how it naturally, as a premise, makes DBT culturally sensitive.